Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas perspective. (Make sure you're not eating)
A customer we refer to as 'the Princess' was complaining about her $50K wine room not working properly and her bonehead husband getting her flowers at Safeway instead of some fancy florist. Really? So I told her this story. I probably shouldn't have, but it got her to leave me alone. Yes this really happened

Twas the week before Christmas and at my fun house
The oldest turned 20 and freaked out my spouse.
And what better way to soothe savage beasts
than a traditional Olive Garden Holiday feast!
The Honda tilts right when big Mitch climbs in
but we can't deny pizza to that sweet happy grin.
Salad(yea right), lasagna, bread sticks galore
Desert? HA! We couldn't take anymore!
Suddenly Mitch is slapping his neck,
Which means it's re-flux, his innards a wreck!
I sign for the men's room, we go with a clatter
But re-flux wasn't the only thing the matter.
He lets out a yell from the handicap stall
I open the door-it's all over the wall.
I frantically clean with whats left of the paper
Try not to gag use the empty roll as a scraper
What to my wondering eyes do I see?
The potty is plugged with the chocolate debris.
As his tummy becomes the worlds loudest grumbler
My very own hand becomes an emergency plunger.
I'm frantic I'm freakin in frig-gin brown plaster
Hoping no one will see this utter disaster,
When what is the sweetest sound to my ears
But Branden's dear voice saying 'what's up in here?'
"Branden please hurry to the booth next to me,
Pull off the paper and slide it to my feet!"
4 flush 5 flush 6 flush  7
This better get me that ticket to Heaven.
Paper towel baths as the big boy complained
Walked out smiling our dignity sustained.
Clean as a whistle down to the corrosion
But why in public must there be such explosions?
I know it's a mess but why would I say
That I really couldn't have it any other way?
I make my living from people, you see,
Who buy stuff no one on earth really needs
If I'm not always up to my eyeballs in shit
I would not understand the life others don't  get.
I don't really say much without a few beers
I'm a little too focused on what really endears.
So take heed you clueless,wounded, the like,
You've got to know darkness to see any light.
If things are more sacred than the savior of man,
Then Merry Christmas anyway, I've done all I can.
And don't feel bad for me, I'm all in grins,
My friend Kelly Krei, has Autistic twins.(

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Special K

Today we attended a memorial service for Janet Kay Zaborek. Janet Kay was born in 1996 with Down syndrome and multiple health issues. She was adopted by the Zaborek family and given more love than she ever would have received in 100 years. She was not expected to live more than a year, and defied the odds for the next 15. She died last week form a blood clot after surgery. She was an extraordinary girl, sweeter than candy and tougher than nails. She was also diagnosed with autism.
Janet Kay always seemed to be a twin of a different mother to our son Mitchell. She behaved much in the same way and even looked a little like him. The Zaborek's also have a son with Down syndrome, so they are no strangers to the condition.
We saw quite a few families a the memorial with children of all stripes and disabilities, but I must say among these parents I saw a bit more angst in the eyes of those with severe health issues. We know the road in the medical wilderness all too well. My wife and I consider ourselves extremely fortunate to not have to go down the roads of some of these folks. They often have to endure countless days and weeks in recovery rooms, all laden with the same fears that one day their child might not come home.
Mitch has to be put under in order for the dentist to work on his teeth. He is much too strong and wiggly to be restrained while he is conscious. So every year and a half we go to children's and grit our teeth for three hours in order to save his. He's on to us, so it's impossible to get him anywhere near those double swinging doors. The last time were able to coax him into a wheelchair and wheel him backwards into the OR and put the mask on (shots only seem to make him fight more). My mistake was being positioned in front of him and looking at him as the mask went on. The look on his face was terrifying as though I'd betrayed him his whole life. I felt as though I was deliberately killing him as his face distorted and he fell asleep. I excused myself and ran to the bathroom to cry for about 10 minutes.
That image comes back now and again, as it did today at Janet's service. I know what her parents went through each time she had surgery, and watching that stage as they played her favorite song to a video montage of her life, and looking at that poster of a smiling beautiful girl intensified every emotion I've ever had in dealing with it.
Needless to say I shed a lot of tears for Special Kay today, but I am a Christian and I do believe she has gone home to a much better place. No tears, no pain and everything new. We've gotten to know to Janet Kay's parents, Robin and Bob, because of our 'kids in common'. Robin, with the help of Linda Barth (formerly of Mile High Down syndrome assoc.) has founded the Down syndrome-Autism connection in Colorado. Janet Kay's picture is in the middle on top with her brother Tommy.
I gave Robin a hug today and told her I felt like the luckiest idiot on the planet. I knew a girl named Janet Kay Zaborek.